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Help / About offering a service / Requirements


Let’s get started! It’s free to sign up and post activities. Before you begin​,​ get to know our providing quality standards for the service. Crion brings people together​,​ whether it’s lessons​,​ tours​,​ experiences​,​ or free sharing. Crion looks for providers who can provide expertise​,​ insider access​,​ and connection. It might be teaching your skill​,​ or taking clients to your local mountains for a hike. If you are ready to share some local expertise​,​ just make sure:

  • Your experience follows these quality standards
  • You’ve learned about local laws​,​ including restrictions related to quarantine and​/​or social distancing
  • You’ve read all about Crion activities and requirements

In addition to behaving in accordance with our Community Standards​,​ which apply to all community members​,​ Crion providers must meet the following quality standards and requirements. Before any activity is published​,​ it is reviewed based on the below criteria and it must continue upholding these standards to remain on Crion.

  • Travelers should always know exactly who will be providing them
  • Providers may not hand travelers off to 3rd party suppliers​,​ or leave travelers on their own without a guide
  • Providers must personally lead their travelers throughout the entirety of the experience.
  • Providers cannot set a minimum group size: every traveler should feel welcome on Crion​,​ whether they are traveling on their own or with a group.
  • Stick to guidelines: providers must abide by the health and safety guidelines when providing in-person activities.
  • Providers must honor all booked reservations
  • Providers must honor their reservations, unless the provider must cancel due to a valid extenuating circumstance, safety concerns, or dangerous weather conditions. Learn more about Cancellation Policy.
  • Travelers reviews, ratings, and engagement: experiences must maintain a high overall rating and client engagement level. Travelers like to know they can expect a consistent level of quality, no matter where they book. Providers with consistently low reviews (1-3*), or insufficient page views and bookings, may have their listings suspended and/or removed from Crion. Learn more about ratings and reviews.
  • Providers are expected to abide by these standards and with our Terms of Service. Experiences that don’t meet any of the above standards may be removed from Crion.

In addition to the above activity requirements​,​ we highly recommend that the listing be a clear​,​ complete​,​ and accurate description of the activity. Travelers should know exactly what to expect upon booking the experience. This applies to all activity details​,​ including:

  • What travelers will be doing
  • Meeting point address and instructions for meeting up with the provider
  • What’s included in the price (e.g. what the provider is providing for travelers)
  • What travelers need to bring with them (e.g. extra cash to buy food that’s not included)
  • The time and date of the activity
  • Photos must meet Crion’s photo quality standards.

In conclusion​,​ providers must list their experience as an individual​,​ or as business in case of companies. The provider’s profile photo must be a clear picture of the provider or a company logo for businesses. The provider’s profile name must be the provider’s personal name or the registered business name for companies. Providers should describe themselves in the “Bio” section of the public profile​,​ add social profile links and verify their identity to list paid activities.

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