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Help / About offering a service / The listing

The listing

You’ve got a great idea for an experience, tour, lesson, and we want to help you share your expertise with the world. Let’s start by reviewing Crion standards and requirements for activities.

Still with us? Great! The next step is to understand how to make your listing stand out​,​ and bottom line​,​ attract more travelers!

Here’s the basic information you’ll need to have when creating a listing:

  • The activity and specific discipline
  • The type
  • The expected level of client skill required to participate
  • The languages in which you can provide the activity
  • The number of consecutive days of the activity
  • The grouping type
  • Adults​,​ children or mixed activity
  • The maximum group size
  • The location of your activity
  • The available months and days of the activity
  • The start time and end time of activity
  • The price per traveler
  • A description of what you’ll do with your travelers
  • Details about what you’ll provide your clients and what clients should bring
  • At least 3 high-quality photos of you and people engaging in your activity
  • Your personal cancellation policy

Follow us now to the next article on how to create a listing to see in detail how to complete every step and make a memorable activity.

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