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Help / Managing your listings / Create and edit your listing

Create and edit your listing

So​,​ you’re ready to list a lesson​,​ tour​,​ or experience. It’s easy​,​ just create a new listing by clicking the “+ Add listing” button that you can find under the user account icon or in the sticky bar. After you publish your listing​,​ it may take up to 24 hours for Crion team to review it and then to appear in search results. Thinking about how to attract clients and secure bookings? Keep reading our tips below about crafting a great listing description and impactful pictures.

  • Select activity and discipline details: do you want to list multiple disciplines at once? Or the same discipline but at a different traveler skill level? Or willing to attract more clients to a tour instead of a normal lesson (find more about activity types here)? We have you covered. Create your first listing, then duplicate it and only change a few fields. Once all your listings are published you do not have to worry about overlapping bookings, we will take care of your schedule to be always up to date and clean (tip: add a connection to your external calendar as well to have it synchronized)
  • Define your session details: Is it a single day or multiple consecutive days activity? Is the session private or can different travelers book the same slot? Is it only for adults​,​ only for children or a family session? What is the maximum number of people allowed? Always remember the type of activity you are posting and try to make it optimal for your clients.
  • Be precise regarding the activity place: we added 2 different fields in the location step in order to be clear about the whereabout! We do not want you to waste time searching for your clients and the client for you. The meeting point should indicate exactly where you intend to meet your clients (usually a parking spot​,​ a cable lift or train station​,​ a restaurant or supermarket​,​ ecc…) and the activity location should give an indication where you are heading during the activity (lift name​,​ hut name​,​ lake​,​ mountain peak​,​ village name​,​ ecc…)
  • Add your schedule: can you only offer the activity in the winter​/​summer? Or only during the weekends? Select here the months and days of the week you are planning the listing to be available for booking. (tip: add a high​/​low season to have your price automatically increased or decreased. Get more reservations in low season and earn more during high season)
  • Create sessions and state your price per person clearly: are you offering one session per day or multiple sessions per day? Are you available for hourly sessions but at the same time you would also have the possibility to have the entire day booked at once? Would you like to have the same price across all days of the week or weekend sessions to be priced differently? Our session pricing engine has no limits! It has been studied by Crion experts to cover any case imaginable. Finally​,​ a way to give you full control of your schedule as well as the pricing. You are the boss here! We know it is a lot…but we do not stop here: add surcharges for additional people​,​ discounts​,​ and seasonal pricing!
  • Set your own cancellation policies​,​ including a full refund date​,​ where you specify the number of days before the activity for a full refund​,​ and a partial refund date​,​ where you set the number of days and percentage of the refund.
  • Take the time to describe in detail what you and your clients will do during your activity (learn here the activity requirements if you still have doubts): we see that listings with a well written description gain 3 to 10 times more bookings! Select as well what it is included in the price. A clear description is certain to pay off! Are you renting gear as well as part of the activity? Are you including overnight stays as part of your multi day tour? Are you buying lift tickets in advance for your client? Or willing to pick-up travelers at the closest train station and include transportation? You choose!
  • And finally​,​ add self-explanatory photos of the activity: many travelers are first attracted by well taken photos that can give right away an idea of what the activity is all about. Upload high-quality photos of you and other people engaging in the activity. The more the better!

You are now set to publish your first listing, congratulations! One last tip: travelers like to know who they are booking with as well. Add sufficient details to your public profile page, like how does your passion and expertise make this an unmissable experience? Do you have specific certifications to give your clients peace of mind when booking with you? Do you have insider connections to the place and community you are living in? Describe how you are unique to run your activities.

After the listing is published​,​ you can edit a listing anytime by going to the listing’s dashboard under your user menu when logged into Crion. Changes to the listing will not apply to active bookings​,​ only new bookings will be affected. Would you like to modify your pictures or your description? Go to the specific section and apply changes. You will only be able to change some of the listing details. Create or duplicate a listing if you want to modify your schedule instead.

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