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Help / Managing your listings / Calendar and reservations

Calendar and reservations

Offering an activity on Crion is a great way to share your skills and meet new people. Once Crion has approved your listing and you've published it on Crion​,​ travelers can book available dates. Travelers will book on your activity page​,​ where they will need to review your requirements before they can make a reservation. When a traveler books​,​ we'll send you an email with their profile and contact information. You can also view this information on the Crion platform. Travelers will receive a confirmation with details about where to meet and when​,​ and what to bring.

You can always check your active booking requests in your bookings dashboard that you can find in your user menu when you are logged into Crion from desktop or mobile. There you can find who is booking what and in which date and session. You can then review and manage one booking in the booking page by clicking on one reservation.

If you are interested in checking your schedule​,​ you can navigate to your calendar dashboard in your account instead. There you have an aggregated view of all your upcoming and past activities booked. Switch between monthly​,​ weekly​,​ and daily views and hover on a session to see more details​,​ such as who has booked and how many people.

In case of an unexpected event, you can add exceptions to your schedule, such as marking one day as not available. Exceptions will update all your listing’s availability. In case a session has already been booked in the exceptions period, you will be prompted to either provide it or manually cancel it. Learn more about Cancellation in the appropriate article. In case you want to make permanent changes to a listing schedule instead, check here how you can edit a listing.

You’ll get an email confirmation each time your activity is booked. This email will go to the address on your Crion account. You can also review any upcoming reservations and your clients list on your calendar in your account dashboard. Just select the dates associated with the activity.

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