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Help / Terms and policies / Cancellation policy

Cancellation policy

Sometimes​,​ things come up and travelers have to cancel. Providers can set their own cancellation policies​,​ which include two key dates:

  • Full Refund Date: The provider sets the number of days before the start of the activity for a full refund. If travelers cancel before this date​,​ they receive a full refund​,​ and the provider won't be paid. Platform fees will still be applied.
  • Partial Refund Date: The provider sets the number of days before the start of the activity and the percentage of the refund. If travelers cancel after the full refund date but before the partial refund date​,​ they receive a partial refund based on the provider's policy. Platform fees will still be applied.

If travelers cancel after both dates​,​ the provider will be paid according to the agreed terms​,​ unless a direct agreement between the two parties states otherwise.

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