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Help / Safety / Safety concerns

Safety concerns

At Crion we want to build a trusted community. To help ensure the safety of everyone​,​ we dedicate a knowledgeable and experienced team to monitor any suspicious activity in our marketplace.

Crion offers several features that help build trust and cultivate transparency​,​ including our secure messaging system​,​ reviews​,​ additional insurances​,​ and more. Together with our payment partner Stripe​,​ we conduct background and identity checks on every provider on the platform. Furthermore​,​ Stripe secure platform ensures your money gets to the provider​,​ that’s why we ask you to always pay through Crion and never wire money or pay someone directly. For scam prevention​,​ always pay and communicate directly through the Crion website or app. As long as you stay on Crion throughout the entire process​,​ from communication​,​ to booking​,​ to payment​,​ you’re protected by our multi-layer defense strategy.

Your safety is our top priority. If you’re injured or require medical attention during an activity, get yourself to a safe place and contact local emergency services immediately. Once you’re safe and your immediate concerns have been addressed, report the incident to us. The fastest way is to use your Crion app, tap your Profile and select “Help”, then tap “Contact”. If you are a provider, the safety of our community is a top priority, and we know that, as an activity provider, it’s on your mind too. If someone is injured or requires medical attention during an activity, get everyone to a safe place and contact local emergency services immediately. Once immediate needs are addressed, Contact us to report the incident and please let us know if we can help.

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