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Help / Safety / Safety tips for providers

Safety tips for providers

Through Crion you can provide unique experiences. Offering an activity is very rewarding​,​ but preparing for safety and using best practices will help ensure your clients have memorable experiences for all the right reasons.

  • List your Adventure clearly: if there are health​,​ fitness​,​ or other requirements needed to safely enjoy the activity​,​ make this clear in the description. Provide details about the length of time​,​ exertion required​,​ and skills required. Once a traveler books​,​ check if they have any health concerns that may affect their participation. This may be anything from a food allergy to a heart condition. Make sure you’re clear on what modifications you’re able or willing to make to accommodate them. If insurance is required​,​ make this clear​,​ and provide information about viable options.
  • Communicate often: message your clients to introduce yourself and help them feel welcome and prepared. Let them know that you’re available to answer any questions. You can also anticipate common points of concern before the adventure begins. This could include practical matters like whether there will be food​,​ snacks​,​ or water provided​,​ whether they should bring their own water bottle and what bathroom facilities are available. Try to address these concerns before clients have to ask. Some clients may be going on an activity for the first time​,​ so your communication is key to ensuring that they know what to expect​,​ and that their safety is assured.
  • Prepare travelers before they arrive: provide your clients with a list of what they’ll need ahead of time. For some activities​,​ that may include vaccinations or medications they should undergo before they travel to your location. It might also include making sure they have personal sleeping gear and equipment such as headlamps​,​ insect repellent​,​ as well as any other special items they’ll require. It’s a good idea for you to know if​,​ and where​,​ you’ll have cell service coverage​,​ and to let your clients know the details in advance.
  • Give a pre-activity briefing: before you set out on your experience​,​ make sure travelers understand what activities you have planned for them. This is also the time to check that they have all the food​,​ water​,​ and gear that they’ll need. Some travelers may need to adapt to your location in ways that a local would not. They may need more of certain items​,​ or completely different items​,​ than a local would. If you can anticipate these needs​,​ you'll make the activity even better.
  • Provide the right gear: if you’re providing gear for your clients​,​ it should be in good condition​,​ clean and dry​,​ and fit each client properly. For multi-day trips​,​ the gear may include sleeping equipment​,​ handwashing supplies​,​ and a light or headlamp for each client. If you don’t provide gear​,​ check your clients’ layers​,​ packs​,​ shoes​,​ and any other gear to make sure it’s adequate and in good shape. Providers should carry (and know how to use) an extensive first aid kit for stabilizing a patient and safely evacuating them.
  • Choose the right conditions and prepare for the unexpected: talk with your client about the range of conditions you’ll encounter​,​ including heat or cold​,​ likely weather​,​ the terrain expected​,​ how much physical activity will be required​,​ changes in logistics​,​ and modes of travel. Let them know how they can best prepare for these​,​ as well as for any unexpected but possible challenges. If you need to cancel an experience for an emergency​,​ weather​,​ or safety issues​,​ no penalties will be applied.
  • Safety: make sure you have a clear itinerary and plan that all your clients understand. This should include specific information about what they should do if they become lost or injured. As a provider​,​ you can work to prevent some of the more common problems that can occur in your activity. Some strategies to avoid these conditions are: maintain cleanliness in food preparation and in bathroom use​,​ understand the route well and have back-up plans in case the planned route cannot be accessed​,​ double-check that all gear is in good condition​,​ constantly monitor participants’ well-being and address their needs. You should have an emergency action plan that you've practiced​,​ as well as the means to evacuate a client​,​ if the unexpected happens.
  • Emergency planning: we recommend that all providers engaging in an activity prepare an emergency plan in case of a natural disaster or any other kind of emergency that could occur. Find out more about making an emergency plan.
  • Keep the community in mind: as a provider you have a great opportunity to give back to the local environment and community. One of the ways to do this is to share any local rules or etiquette around the activity of your activity with your clients. You can also look out for your local environment by reducing waste​,​ recycling​,​ and giving back to people in the community.

All Crion activities include 24​/​7 community support.

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