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Help / Safety / Safety tips for travelers

Safety tips for travelers

We suggest reading the reviews as well as the description of the activity​,​ to help paint a fuller picture. Feel free to message the provider with questions before booking. As a traveler keep in mind the following tips to find the best activity while keeping your safety a priority:

  • Choose an activity that works for you: make sure your health​,​ fitness level and skills will allow you to safely enjoy the adventure. For instance​,​ will you be camping or staying in an accommodation? What are the sleeping arrangements? Do your activities occupy most of the day or is there any downtime? Let the provider know about any medical concerns you have that could interfere with taking part​,​ anything from food allergies to a heart condition. Also​,​ review your travel and medical insurance coverage.
  • Know your provider: check out the provider’s bio​,​ which you’ll find in the description of the listing. You can message them at any time (before or after you book) to ask for relevant background info​,​ certifications or how long they’ve been providing the activity. If you’ll be more than an hour away from medical care​,​ you may want to ask about their medical training or certification.
  • How to prepare: what do you need to do to be ready? Double check what you need to bring versus what the provider is providing. For multi-day trips​,​ this could include: medications​,​ hygiene items​,​ sleeping gear​,​ specialized clothing​,​ a comprehensive first aid kit​,​ personal equipment such as headlamps or insect repellent​,​ special accommodations​,​ ecc. Be sure to message your provider with any special considerations​,​ medical or otherwise​,​ and find out if specific accommodations can be made for you.
  • Ask about cell service: it’s possible that where you’re going there may not be any mobile phone service so if it’s important for you to stay in touch with the outside world​,​ ask your provider if you'll be able to get a signal.
  • Once you arrive: your provider will give you an overview on arrival. Feel free to ask any questions​,​ like: are there animals or plants that shouldn’t be touched or that you should keep an eye out for? Are there places you shouldn't go​,​ or paths you must follow? Are there guidelines for interacting with locals? Your provider should also cover practical matters like how to get fresh water​,​ where the restrooms are​,​ and when you eat meals. This is the time to be sure you have everything you need to be comfortable for the whole experience.
  • Check your gear: if the provider is supplying gear for your activity​,​ make sure it’s in good condition​,​ fits properly​,​ and is clean and dry. Also ensure any vehicles you’re using are clean and safe. You won't have a chance to fix issues once you're on your way.
  • Understand the conditions: chat with your provider about the range of conditions you’ll likely encounter​,​ including temperature​,​ weather​,​ and modes of travel. Find out how you can best prepare for any unexpected challenges.
  • Know what to expect: in addition to giving you a clear itinerary​,​ your provider should let you know what first aid supplies they have and what to do if you become lost or injured. Ex: During a mountain activity​,​ common injuries include strains and sprains​,​ allergic reactions​,​ frostnip and frostbites​,​ blisters​,​ broken and dislocated bones​,​ sunburn. If you’re not sure what to expect​,​ ask. Remember​,​ you’re the best judge of your own capabilities. Trust your judgment​,​ and if you ever feel uncomfortable​,​ speak up.
  • Emergency planning: we recommend that all activities travelers and providers agree on an emergency plan in case of a natural disaster or any other kind of emergency.
  • Leave a positive impact: Crion activities are a great way to give back to the local environment and community. Ask your provider about any local rules or etiquette you should follow to help create a great experience for everyone. You can also do your own research about the local culture beforehand. And remember the “Leave No Trace” principle: Take nothing but pictures. Leave nothing but footprints.

All Crion activities include 24​/​7 community support.

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