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Help / Searching and booking / Browse listings

Browse listings

Some listings have caught your attention? Click on them and open the listing page. Here you can find all the information you need to complete your booking:

  • Title: in a rush? The title is standardized and gives you in a split second an idea of what the activity is about.
  • Review score: is very important for us to promote only the best activities. Check the overall score and number of reviews.
  • Provider: who is offering the activity? Get finally to know who will be guiding you​,​ click on the profile picture to jump to the provider profile.
  • Details: an overview of the important stuff! From discipline​,​ place to skill level and duration​,​ all in one section.
  • Description: take the time to read more about the listing here. It is useful to know exactly what you are going to do and how. By the way​,​ if anything is not clear to you​,​ you can always contact the provider in advance. Ask any question and make sure to book through Crion afterwards if you want to have your booking insured and payment secured and our team full support!
  • Location: simply the place of the activity. Get more details on the meeting place from the listing or contact the provider if you are unsure.
  • Services: some activities include additional services. In this section you can see if the gear is part of what you are paying for​,​ as well as accommodation​,​ food​,​ tickets​,​ transports…Always verify with the provider if in doubt​,​ we do not want you to be unprepared for your experience!
  • Reviews: still not ready to book? Read what previous travelers are saying about the activity. You can also check out their profile who the reviewers are and if they are in line with your set of disciplines and skills to put the review into perspective.
  • More listings: want to browse more before booking? You are our client on Crion! Simply scroll the list of the similar listing at the bottom of the page.

Ready to book? Perfect​,​ follow the next article booking an activity to know more! We are happy you chose Crion.

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