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Help / Payment, pricing and refunds / Paying for a booking

Paying for a booking

You just made a reservation​,​ congrats! So​,​ what happens next? Your payment method will first need to be authorized by our payment provider Stripe to make sure the full amount is available​,​ then it will only be charged as soon as your reservation is confirmed. No matter how far in advance you book​,​ the provider doesn't receive payment until 24 hours after your activity is completed. This gives both of you time to make sure everything is as expected. If your booking request expires or is declined by the provider​,​ there's no cost for the reservation or Crion service fees and your payment method will not be charged the authorized amount. Depending on your payment method​,​ however​,​ you may find a temporary authorization (a “hold”) or a refunded charge.

Be aware in case some people suggest you chat on Facebook messenger​,​ Instagram​,​ by text​,​ or somewhere other than Crion. We leave complete freedom to decide to book with Crion or not​,​ but if you don’t​,​ you lose the protections of our cancellation and refund policies​,​ terms of service​,​ payments terms of service​,​ and our team and community support.

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