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Help / Payment, pricing and refunds / Refunds


You may be eligible for a refund as part of the Cancellation Policy

In the first case​,​ your refund amount depends on your reservation’s cancellation policy and when you cancel.

Then​,​ if you’re eligible for a refund​,​ you’ll get it automatically within 14 days. We’ll send your refund as soon as you cancel​,​ but your bank or credit card issuer may take longer to get it to you​,​ it all depends on how you paid and where you live. Remember that service fee is not refunded except if you are canceling a booking that has not yet been confirmed. Afterwards we incur in payment and booking expenses​,​ that unfortunately we cannot recover.

In any case​,​ if you booked an activity and now you can’t make it​,​ the first step is to message your provider to let him know and see if another solution is feasible.

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