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Help / Your bookings / Booking status

Booking status

You just sent a booking request and are wondering what is next? Here we explain all steps of a booking.

  • Booking requested: you have finalized the booking​,​ congratulations! The provider has been notified and has 24 hours to either accept and confirm the booking or decline.
  • Booking declined: in some cases​,​ the provider can decline the request​,​ in this case your payment will not be charged​,​ and you can either contact the provider to find another slot​,​ or book a different activity.
  • Booking accepted: the provider gladly accepted the request! You will now be charged the full amount of the booking. Sit back​,​ relax​,​ and wait for the activity date! In the meantime​,​ you can chat with the provider in case of further questions to get to the experience well prepared.
  • Booking completed: Hooray! We hope you enjoyed the experience. Now is the time to show your appreciation or any feedback by providing a review. Crion is first of all a community: your review will be very useful to the next traveler and to the provider​,​ it takes only 2 minutes to leave a comment. The provider will do the same to you.
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