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Help / Searching and booking / Booking an activity

Booking an activity

You found the perfect activity for you​,​ what next? In a few clicks you can send a booking request. Here is how:

  • Select number of people: add adults and children by clicking on the plus icon. Remember​,​ not every activity is suitable for children or minors below 18 years of age​,​ in that case you will not see the children selected.
  • Select a date: define the day or days you would link to have the experience. Some days may be not available based on the provider schedule or already booked slots. No need for time-consuming chats​,​ the calendar is always up to date with the current availability. Remember​,​ changing the number of people could affect availability as well​,​ as some group activities can have only a limited number of slots still available.
  • Select your session: some activities occupy the whole day​,​ some others only a few hours. Make sure to check the session prices here and find what best suits you. Find out possible discounts here if you book multiple sessions at once (tip: you can book multiple sessions in the same day or across multiple days in a totally flexible way​,​ for example for ski lessons!)

Once these 3 steps are complete, you can proceed with the booking, and do not worry, you won’t be charged just yet. Review your booking details, write to the provider for any question or special request you have. Only now you will need to add your payment method and payment details and send the request. The booking is now on its way to the provider, congratulations! To know what to do next, read the next article about booking status.

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