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Help / Your Account / ID and verification

ID and verification

We take platform and payments security into high consideration. This is why we partnered with Stripe, the best payment gateway provider for marketplaces already used by the likes of Amazon, Booking.com, Google, Microsoft, Spotify, Uber and many more (check out Stripe for more information), to handle provider verification and payments.

In order to provide a paid service on Crion and enable pay-outs directly to your bank account​,​ you must verify your identity in a 4 step process through our Strip integration. You would need to provide the following information:

  • Country of residence
  • Cell phone number
  • Name and surname
  • Birth date
  • Address
  • Website or social media profile
  • Bank account number or debit card number

Remember that this data will never be stored by Crion​,​ but safely managed with the best-in-class levels of security standards by Stripe. Stripe could also require you to upload an ID to verify your data and enable the account. Once you complete the verification​,​ you are able to publish paid listings and start earning money!

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