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Sci alpino lezione - principiante

Sci alpino lezione - principiante
Sci alpino lezione - principiante
Scuola Sci LimoneScuola Sci Limone
Offerto da Scuola Sci Limone
Società partner


  • 2 giorni
  • Gruppo
  • Max 10 persone
  • English, Français, Italiano

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Our kids ski lessons for beginners represent the best way for your children to start skiing or improve their skiing skills. In Limone all children from 6 years and older are welcome at our school! In this course our certified instructors will help your children who only have little experience on the snow​,​ to gain confidence on the slopes. Starting from snowplough and the easiest slopes​,​ their skills will improve​,​ and they will learn and have fun with their peers of similar age and ability. The groups will be composed of max 10 participants to ensure a high level of personal attention while being fully immersed in a fun atmosphere on the breathtaking slopes of Limone. All courses during the week last a minimum of 3 days to give the children enough time to absorb the new knowledge and assure long-lasting progress. On the weekends we also have special offers for all those kids who are not on the snow for the first time. After this course with our school​,​ your children will deepen your love for snow and make the most of their holiday in a safe and friendly environment. Come visit us in Limone​,​ we are happy to welcome you! Meeting Time On the first day​,​ we meet at 15 minutes before the start time at our meeting point at Zona Maneggio or Quota 1400. You can select it during the booking. Ski pass Kids do not need a ski pass for the first day of the lessons. The instructor will advise you when to buy the voucher with points or the ski pass.


Limone Piemonte
Riserva Bianca




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Rimborso completo: annulla 3 giorni prima dell'orario di inizio dell'attività e ricevi il 100% del rimborso.Le commissioni di servizio non saranno rimborsate. Di più


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