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Escursionismo tour - esperto

Escursionismo tour - esperto
Escursionismo tour - esperto
Escursionismo tour - esperto
Escursionismo tour - esperto
Glød ExplorerGlød Explorer
Offerto da Glød Explorer
Società partner


  • 8 ore
  • Gruppo
  • Max 8 persone
  • English

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The easily recognisable appearance and interesting history combine to make Halddetoppen or “Sukkertoppen”as Birkeland called it one of Alta’s most prominent peaks. The historic buildings on the summit​,​ which are now partially restored​,​ add an extra dimension. After being picked up and driving for less than 30 minutes to Kåfjord​,​ we reach the starting point for our hike. We start hiking along a good gravel road. This becomes a narrow former horse-drawn carriage when we get above the treeline​,​ while the final part is relatively rocky and steep. We estimate the roughly 8 km hike to the summit will take about three hours​,​ but the time we use will depend on the shape of the participants and the conditions​/​weather. Although this is a relatively long hike​,​ many school-age children make it to the top. Wear good hiking boots and bring extra clothes (sweater​,​ hat​,​ gloves and long trousers). As we approach the summit​,​ there can be a fresh breeze and it can be a lot colder than when we set off! We have the key​,​ so we can go inside the historic buildings to have a look. Depending on the weather​,​ we can eat lunch inside or outside while we enjoy the magnificent panoramic views in all directions.






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