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Randonnée tour - expert

Randonnée tour - expert
Randonnée tour - expert
Randonnée tour - expert
Glød ExplorerGlød Explorer
Proposé par Glød Explorer
Partenaire d'affaires


  • 3 jours
  • Groupe
  • Max 8 de personnes
  • English

Utilisez le traducteur de votre navigateur si la description ne s'affiche pas dans votre langue

Humans have moved through the landscape in the upper Reisa Valley for several thousand years​,​ both on foot and along the river. This traffic and utilisation of the landscape has left visible and invisible traces in the landscape​,​ including place names​,​ relics of culture and fascinating history. These traces portray human adaptation to the landscape and surroundings​,​ cultural diversity and migration of days gone by. The trip in brief A total of around 60 km Three days’ hiking Two overnight stays in cabins Excellent food based on local ingredients​,​ from lunch day 1 to lunch day 3 Partial support of polar dogs with packsaddles Our route follows marked and unmarked trails​,​ Sami quad bike tracks and overgrown tracks A real mountain hike that requires good hiking boots​,​ backpack and suitable outdoor clothing All participants carry their own gear​,​ including sleeping bag. Polar dogs carry packsaddles with communal equipment and some food The legs Day one is relatively short (8 km)​,​ while days two and three are much longer with just over 25 km per day. The first day also includes a two-hour drive to Bidjovagge​,​ where we start the hike. We will be picked up at Saraelv on the third day. All the distances are rough estimates to calculate the time used​,​ which does not include lunch breaks. Accommodation We spend the first night in a cabin on the shores of Lake Reisavannet and the second night at the Nedrefosshytta cabin in the Reisa Valley. Participants carry their own sleeping bag and ground pad. The cabins offer basic accommodation in rooms with 2-6 bunks. Internet​,​ phone coverage and electricity It’s worth noting that much of the area on this route has no telephone coverage​,​ but there is electricity at the first cabin enabling you to charge your gadgets. What’s included The package price includes all transport​,​ accommodation as described​,​ all meals from lunch on day 1 to lunch on day 3​,​ wilderness guide​,​ support by polar dogs​,​ safety equipment such as satellite telephone and GPS and mountain equipment such as tents and cooking gear. A sauna at GLØD Headquarters after the tour is also included. As we start at 8.30 on day one​,​ it’s natural for participants from afar to arrive the day before. If you require accommodation in Alta​,​ we can provide good alternatives. A planning meeting will be held at GLØD Headquarters at 3pm on the day prior to departure to look at maps and the route​,​ go through the plan and the weather forecast​,​ etc. We will check the gear and any supplements and hand out any equipment you hired.

Jour 1

We pack up our equipment and are transported around 200 km to our starting point at Bidjovagge. We stop in Kautokeino to visit Juhls’ Silver Gallery​,​ a fantastic place that houses a silversmith and museum. We then enjoy lunch and the view from Kautokeino Hotel​,​ which is beautifully situated on the hill overlooking Kautokeino. After lunch we drive the remaining 40 km to Bidjovagge. We set off and hike westwards on the northern shore of Lake Reisavannet. If the weather is fine​,​ we will along the way and light a fire to brew coffee and scare away any (half-dead) mosquitoes. Naturally​,​ this will be close to a mountain stream and hopefully a cloudberry marsh. We continue westwards through mountain birch forest​,​ tree-less areas and cross some marshes. We hike about 8 km before reaching the cabin in the afternoon. We enjoy delicious dinner and a comfortable bed!

Jour 2

After breakfast​,​ we continue hiking in a north-westerly direction. The polar dogs carry packsaddles with communal equipment such as tents​,​ cooking gear and fuel​,​ and maybe some of the food we will eat when we reach the next cabin​,​ Nedrefosshytta​,​ down in the Reisa Valley. The trail we follow is largely marked but little used. We are now in the wilderness in the heart of Reisa National Park​,​ far removed from civilisation and miles from the nearest manmade installation. The Reisa Valley changes character from starting up on Finnmarksvidda mountain plateau with little vegetation then hiking down through the mountain birch forest and then through the pine forest further down the lush valley. During the day​,​ we pass several waterfalls​,​ the most famous of which is Imofossen. Hiking distance: approx. 25 km (8 hours

Jour 3

After a wonderful night in the cabin​,​ we continue our journey down the Reisa Valley. After starting our hike on the eastern side of the river up at Lake Reisavannet​,​ we cross the river at Nedrefosshytta and continue along the western side. We follow a good path down the valley towards Saraelv. We stop to admire the impressive 269 m high Mollisfossen waterfall on the eastern side of the river​,​ which is formed by a tributary flowing into the Reisa river below. We will arrive at Saraelv after a day hike of around 24 km (approx. 6 hours)​,​ where we will be greeted by our driver. We plan to be back at GLØD headquarters in Alta around 19.00 (7 p.m.)​,​ where you can have a well-earned shower and sauna. For those who are not in a hurry​,​ we will meet for dinner in Alta (not included) to round off the tour in a proper manner. We can assist with arranging accommodation in Alta for those who require it.


Reisa Valley


ÉquipementNourritureBilletsSéjour d'une nuitBoissonsTransport


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