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Hallo, ich bin Tomás!

Mitglied seit 2023.


CrionManzanares el Real, Madrid, Spain
CrionMadrid, Madrid, Spain
CrionCuenca, Cuenca, Spain


I enjoy the mountain in all its facets, from hiking to mountaineering. I have a preference for self-protected climbing, on walls, the bigger, the better, preferably over cracks of any size. I continually think about how to improve every little detail; safety, efficiency, and speed. I have been practicing climbing for over 15 years, with more than 5 years as a guide. I've learned to create a positive atmosphere in the mountains, ensuring that my clients feel peace of mind and safety throughout the activity. Currently, I hold the title of High Sports Technician in Climbing (TD3) and Sports Technician in Mid-Mountain (TD2). I am a member of the Spanish Mountain Guides Association (AEGM) and the Union of International Mountain Leader Associations (UIMLA) with number 1526.


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